RICHLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Richland, SC Version 1.0, 6-Nov-2006, C163A.TXT, C163 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of Highways 123 & 28. Drive 1.1 miles north until you come to Bounty Land Road (Highway 183). Turn left (west) and drive 2.9 miles until you come to Popular Springs Road. Turn right (south) and drive 0.3 miles. Church is located at 821 Popular Springs Road. HISTORY: -------- GENERAL AREA HISTORY: It is estimated by Ramsay in his history of South Carolina (1808) that in 1755, there were not even 23 families settled between the Waxhaws on the Catawba River and Augusta on the Savannah River. Since much of the upcountry was Indian land, settlement had centered in the coastal counties. Prior to 1768, the only court held in South Carolina was held at the City of Charleston. In 1768, however, South Carolina was divided into six judicial districts, with courts to be held in each. What is now Oconee County was in the Ninety-Six District. At the end of the Revolutionary War, all of present-day Greenville, Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties was Cherokee land. There was some white settlement in this area, and forts had been erected in various places to protect the settlers. The judicial set-up in South Carolina becomes quite fluid (and quite confusing) from this time on until 1868. A law passed in 1783 recommended the division of the judicial districts into counties of not more than forty square miles, with each county to have its own courts. This was accomplished by 1785, with the Ninety-Six District being further divided into Abbeville, Edgefield, Newberry, Laurens, Union and Spartanburg counties. The lands of present-day Oconee County were temporarily attached to the adjoining counties of Laurens, Abbeville and Spartanburg. The Indians had sided with the British during the Revolution, and were forced to surrender their land. In 1785 a treaty was signed with the Cherokee Indians at Hopewell, the home of Andrew Pickens; the following year, a treaty was signed with the Choctaws at the same location. At about this time it was estimated that the white population of the area was 9,500. By 1789, the residents of present-day Oconee County were having difficulty with their judicial assignment, and the area was separated off into Pendleton County. A courthouse was set up at the site of the present-day town of Pendleton in 1790. The next year, however, the Ninety-Six District was divided into upper and lower regions. The upper region, composed of Pendleton and Greenville counties, was named the Washington District; a district courthouse was set up at Pickensville near the present-day town of Easley. In 1798 the name "county" once again changed to "district"; Oconee County was in the Pendleton District, and court was held in Pendleton. The population was increasing rapidly; according to Ramsay's history, by 1800 it stood at 17,828. The area was, however, still sparsely settled. In 1808, according to Ramsay, there was only one acre of cleared land for every eight acres of uncleared land, and only one inhabitant per 36 acres. Education was "at a low ebb," although some schools had been established; one newspaper was being published, by John Miller in Pendleton. In 1826 Pendleton District was further subdivided into Pickens and Anderson districts. The county seat of the Pickens District, which encompassed present-day Oconee County, was located at Pickens Courthouse, or "Old Pickens." While some of the settlers during this early period had come from the lowcountry of South Carolina, many were Scotch-Irish immigrants who had fled Ulster for Pennsylvania to escape religious persecution. They then traveled down the Great Wagon Road from Harrisburg, through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and into the piedmont region of the two Carolinas. Some wealthy plantation owners from the lowcountry did begin to build second homes in the upstate, mostly to take advantage of the more moderate summer climate. John C. Calhoun was one of these; his home, Fort Hill, was later deeded to the state by his son-in-law, Thomas Clemson, and became the site of Clemson University. In 1868 Pickens District was divided into Pickens and Oconee counties. The area was still a rural one, centered around courthouse towns which usually had a courthouse, several churches, a school, and a few dozen citizens. EARLY PRESBYTERIANISM: The early settlement of South Carolina took place along the coast. The first minister to preach to Presbyterians in South Carolina was Rev. Archibald Stobo, who arrived in Charleston in 1700. Until 1704, he was the pastor of the "Mixed Presbyterian and Independent Church" there, the only place of worship for Presbyterians in the entire colony. There was probably no organized presbytery in South Carolina until the 1730s. Early Presbyterians were organized under the Presbytery of Orange, Synod of New York and Philadelphia. By 1760 there were eleven Presbyterian ministers in the colony, concentrated in areas near the coast. By 1784 membership in the Carolinas was increasing, resulting in a desire to form a local presbytery. Following the various Indian treaties signed in the late 1780s, settlement of the Upstate accelerated, mostly by Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who had traveled down the Great Wagon Road from Pennsylvania. By 1789, the year the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church was established, there were ministers appearing in some upstate areas, including the Waxhaws, Saluda, Rocky River, and Upper and Lower Long Cane. Among churches which had been organized in the upstate at this point were Richmond/Carmel (1787), Bradaway/Broadway (1788), Good Hope (1789) and Roberts (1789). It was also at this time that Hopewell (Keowee) or the "Old Stone Church" was established. In 1790 the list of Oconee County churches expanded with the addition of Bethlehem and Philadelphia (or Ebenezer). Rev. Thomas Reese, who was serving Hopewell (Keowee) Church at the time, eloquently described the possibilities for church growth in the region. Noting that circumstances were "favorable to virtue and religion," he also noted that "As the country is in its infancy, we have yet to expect that these congregations will soon become much stronger, and in the course of a few years, if peace continues, it is probable that each of them will be able to support a minister. It is a pleasing reflection to the friends of religion, that as the people travel westward, the gospel travels with them, or soon follows after them; that God inclines the hearts of ministers, respectable for learning, worth, and piety, to settle in these uncultivated regions." Southern representation at early meetings of the General Assembly was limited, since meetings were always held in the North, and travel was complicated and expensive. Thus figures on the development of churches in South Carolina are scarce. The western "frontier" of South Carolina was considered a missionary territory, with ministers traveling around and "supplying" a number of churches. Indeed, a number of the same ministers served the various Presbyterian churches in Oconee County. Salaries were often left unpaid; the largest contribution toward the salary of Rev. John Simpson, first pastor at Roberts Church, was $5.00, and some members were only able to give a few pennies, or gifts in kind such as corn, wheat, and whiskey. Often these itinerant preachers were not even reimbursed for travel and lodging. Consequently, some ministers turned to teaching, opening early academies and schools. Often they found this work more congenial, and left the ministry, contributing further to the shortage of qualified pastors. In 1796 Rev. Andrew Brown was appointed to spend time as a missionary on the South Carolina frontier, at a salary of $16.66 per month. In 1797 he apparently had charge of the Bethlehem and Philadelphia churches on Cane Creek in present-day Oconee County. In his history of South Carolina, Walter Edgar estimates that only 8% of the white population in the upstate belonged to churches at this time. Church membership, however, was increasing, largely as a result of massive ecumenical camp meetings. The early churches were simple, usually built of undressed logs. They had few windows, and were furnished with benches rather than pews. No musical instruments were employed in the services. It was during this time that Nazareth/Beaverdam (1803) and Bethel (1805) were organized. Edgar states that membership had almost tripled, to 23% of the white population, by 1810. As for the Presbyterians, by that time there were only 9 ministers to serve 25 churches and 634 congregants in the entire Presbytery of South Carolina. By 1826 Mills' "Statistics of South Carolina" indicated that there was a dominant Presbyterian presence in Abbeville, Chester, Fairfield, Greenville, Laurens, Pendleton, Richland and York districts. In Oconee County, Westminster and Richland had been organized in 1834. Ministers continued to be scarce, however, and most only stayed in one church for a short time. It was not until 1859 that the concept of a permanent pastorate became popular in the church. By 1870 there were still only 29 ordained ministers in South Carolina Presbytery, and only 13 of these were devoting their full time to the ministry. During this time the Presbytery continued to employ "domestic missionaries" to supply vacant pulpits. By the late nineteenth century, after a restructuring of the Presbytery to form Enoree Presbytery, there were 19 ministers left in the Presbytery of South Carolina to serve 39 churches, and rural churches continued to languish on into the 20th century. (For more information on the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina, see: Howe, George, History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina; History Of The Presbyterian Church In South Carolina Since 1850, edited by F. D. Jones, D. D. And W. H. Mills, D. D.; and Strupl, Milos, History of the Presbytery of South Carolina, 1784-1984.) RICHLAND CHURCH HISTORY: According to an article published in "Names in South Carolina" in the winter of 1967, the Richland Community is located between Westminster and Seneca, and was named for the fertile land found in the area. James Hogan Dendy's homestead was one of the earliest to be settled in the region. According to Shelor's history of the church, some of the inhabitants of the Pickens District, "living in a country granting toleration to every system of religion not subversive to social order and civil liberty, have, jointly and severally, agreed to constitute ourselves into a regularly organized Church. We call ourselves Presbyterians." The result was the organization of Richland Church in 1834 on land provided by Dendy. (Dendy, who was an original member of the church, later became an elder. He died in 1846.) The church began with eleven charter members; the first elders were Francis Jenkins and John McWhorter. A building committee consisting of James O. Lewis, Richard Harris and Rev. Benjamin DuPre was appointed to take up subscriptions for a church building, "of such dimensions and after such style as in their wisdom may be deemed expedient and necessary." Rev. DuPre was called as stated supply, a post he filled until 1841; during this period the church maintained a membership of around 39. Soon a large log church covered by "riven" boards was built. According to Shelor, "The house was large and commodious, and was approached by a door on the east side and one in the south end; one window on the west side and probably a smaller window over the pulpit; the shutters for windows were made of plank. The pulpit stood in the north end under the small window. There were two long, narrow tables for the communion service. The communicants were required to seat themselves at the table and when served gave place to others." In 1842 Joseph Hillhouse was supplying the church, and membership stood at 20 members. Hillhouse was also supplying Retreat as a mission station, and working as a missionary in Anderson and Pickens. Other ministers who assisted with services and protracted meetings were the reverends David Humphreys, J. Leland Kennedy, Anthony W. Ross, and T.L. McBride. The land on which the church stood was eventually deeded to the church by Dendy's widow in 1850. Some of its deacons and members were dismissed in 1851 to organize Retreat church. William McWhorter was supplying the church in 1852, but membership following the organization of Retreat had fallen to 18 members. McWhorter was to serve as pastor from 1851-65, and later as stated supply from 1874-77. Around 1859 the congregation began to consider building a new church. According to Shelor, "The noble response given by members of every denomination in the county, and by the business men also, and liberal contribution of her own members" enabled them to hire Thomas and William Bibb as contractors in March of 1860. A condition of the contract was that the building be completed by September of that year, which it was. This second church, a large frame building, was dedicated on September 22. "It was intended by the Committee to be a plain, neat and substantial building without ornamentation, and the test of time has shown the wisdom of the Committee in their plans and the faithfulness of the contractors in executing them." (For more detailed information on the early history of Richland Church, see Shelor, John W. The Richland Church: Early Presbyterianism in Upper South Carolina. Walhalla: Keowee Courier Presses, 1915. Additional information came from Doris S. Foster's sketch of the church in Heritage of Oconee County.) ---------- Richland Church, located on Poplar Springs Road between Richland and West Union, was organized in 1834, enrolled by South Carolina Presbytery at Midway Church March 22, 1934, subscribed by James O. Lewis, Esquire, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Mr. James Hogan Dendy, Mrs. Elizabeth Knox Dendy, Mrs. Eliza F. DuPre, Mr. Francis Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Jenkins, Miss Sally (Allie) Jenkins, Mr. John McWhorter, Miss Mary McWhorter, and Miss Sally L. McWhorter. Reverend B.D. DuPre served as first supply with Francis Jenkins and John McWhorter as ruling elders. James O. Lewis, Richard Harris, and Reverend Benjamin D. DuPre as executive committee were instructed to take up subscriptions, select a site, and employ a workman to build a house for public worship. This log house was built on land (1-1/8 acres) owned by James H. Dendy and deeded to Richland Trustees by his wife, Elizabeth Dendy, including one acre for a graveyard. In 1841, Reverend Jos. Hillhouse supplied the church with James H. Dendy and Simpson Dickson elected to the eldership. In 1860, a new church building was begun and completed by September 1, by the contractors, William and Thomas Bibb. The total cost was $825.48. The old log house was sold to William Jaynes for $14.25. On September 22, 1860, the new church building was solemnly dedicated to God and His service. During the years 1918-19, under the inspiration of the pastor, the Reverend I.E. Wallace, the church was remodeled, the same building being used with six Sunday School rooms, a choir loft, and a dome added. The remodeled church was dedicated in the summer of 1921. This was a great occasion for Richland Church. A large fellowship hall was built in 1958 in back of the church and is fully equipped for social events. Also, wall-to-wall carpet has been placed throughout the church, together with attractive light features, and a beautiful electric organ. Probably the greatest occasion in the history of the church was the centennial celebration on Sunday, August 5, 1934. Nearly 500 members, former members and friends gathered for this memorable celebration. A large stone centennial marker was unveiled and presented. Homecoming services were held in the afternoon. Although Bethel Church, which was organized in 1805, is the oldest Presbyterian Church in Oconee County, Richland Church can truly be called the mother of Presbyterianism in Oconee County, for it has several times given of its loyal members to organize new churches. On March 9, 1851, the following persons were dismissed, at their own request, to be organized into a church at Retreat: Elder Simpson Dickson, Mrs. Sabret Dickson, Mrs. Sarah Towers, Mrs. Margaret Fullerton, Mrs. Kittie Lee, Mrs. Mary Bolden, Joseph R. Shelor, Mrs. Rebecca Shelor, Samuel Verner, Mrs. Malinda Verner, Mrs. E.C.S. Verner, Miss Hepsy Terrell, and Elder L.H. Verner. On October 26, 1875, the following persons were dismissed by letter for the formation of Seneca Church: Thomas A. McElroy, Mrs. R.J. McElroy, Mrs. M.E. McElroy, Mrs. M.E. Bibb, Mrs. N.E. Myers, and Mrs. Lou Christian. Since then, many others from the Richland Church have moved their letters to the Seneca Church. On June 25, 1882, the following members were dismissed to enter into the organization of the Westminster Church: Elder H.R. Gaston, Mrs. Mary J. Gaston, Misses M.A. and H.M. Gaston, W.S. Gaston, J.L. Hudgens, Mrs. L.E. Hudgens, D.S. Hull, Mrs. R.C. Hall, Miss Susan Steel, Miss Scott Steel, Miss Alice Steel, and Mrs. Laura Zimmerman. Richland Church has also furnished a number of members and officers for the Walhalla Church and one member for the Fair Play Church, who served among her first elders. For over a half-century, Richland Church received spiritual oversight from stated supplies, the first pastor being called in 1891. Even after that, there were several supplies. The following are the names of the supplies. The Reverend Messrs. Benjamin D. Dupre (1834-39), Joseph Hillhouse (1841- --), William McWhorter (1851- --), William P. Grandy (1865-69), McNeil Turner (1869-70), E.F. Hyde (1871-74), J.M. Seabrook (1884-88), I.P. Marion (1889-90), G.S. Cook (several months during 1890-91), G.G. Mayes (1895-1897), L.W. Brown (1906-08), and John G. Law (1911-12). The following have served as pastors: The Reverend Messrs. T.C. Ligon (the first pastor, 1891-95), R.L. Rogers (1897-1905), George M. Wilcox (1909-11), F.D. Vaughn, only resident pastor (1912-13), I.E. Wallace (1913-23), T.D. Cartledge (1923-25), J.S. Crowley (1927-32), and Wm. C. Frierson, Ph.D. (1933-49), W.A. Brown (1950-56), Henry Mooney (1958-63), Stuart Nickles (1964-66), Robert Horel (1967-72), James A. Burgess (1974-76), Robert Burch (1977-79), Seminary Students supplied (1979-80), Jack L. Stevenson (1981-83), Nancy Blakely (1993-94), Charles Reichenback (1984 - --). Richland has only had one full-time pastor but has been grouped with Walhalla, Seneca, or Westminster. January 1995, Charles Reichenback was called as the second full-time minister. On February 11, 1877, a Sunday School was organized and has been successfully functioning ever since. It has contributed a great deal to the life of the church. In the year 1896, there was organized a Ladies' Aid Society, later a Missionary and Aid Society, and still later, the Woman's Auxiliary, the Women of the Church, and lastly the Presbyterian Women, who are very active at the present. Richland has sent out six candidates for the ministry, as follows: The Reverend Messrs. T.M. Stribling, Joseph T. Dendy, Brucy Doyle, Jesse W. Stribling, Terry Alexander, and Melvin Davis, the Presbyterian Church; H.A. Whitten, the Methodist Church; and J. Plumer Dendy and Marshall Smith, the Baptist Church. Jesse W. Stribling died in preparation for the ministry. Submitted by: Doris S. Foster. Sources: Richland Presbyterian Church by Bessie May Stribling. CHURCH RECORDS: Although there is a Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia, the best place to find material on the "Southern" church is at Montreat. Here's what the Society says about this on their website: The Presbyterian Historical Society serves its constituency from two regional offices, one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and one in Montreat, North Carolina. The Philadelphia office documents "northern stream" predecessor denominations and their work, congregations, and middle governing bodies in thirty-six states, and the work of the current denomination's national agencies. The Montreat office documents "southern stream" predecessor denominations and congregations and middle governing bodies in fourteen southern states. For records from congregations, synods, and presbyteries in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia, contact the Montreat office first. For all others, contact the Philadelphia office first. Presbyterian Historical Society P.O. Box 849, Montreat, NC 28757 Telephone (828) 669-7061 Fax (828) 669-5369 Presbyterian Historical Society 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia PA 19147-1516 Telephone (215) 627-1852 Fax (215) 627-0509 The Special Collections area at the Thomason Library, Presbyterian College, Clinton SC contains a quantity of Presbyterian materials, including minutes of the Synod of South Carolina (and its successors, the Synod of the Southeast and the Synod of the South Atlantic), the Minutes of the General Assembly, incomplete sets of South Carolina presbytery minutes, many histories of churches in South Carolina, biographies of area ministers, sermons, and the papers of 19th century ministers Ferdinand and William Plumer Jacobs. The library also has extensive information on Presbyterian College and Thornwell Orphanage. The library's catalog can be searched online at: Special Collections librarian is Nancy Griffith, e-mail South Caroliniana Library at USC has over 474 titles listed on South Carolina Presbyterianism, including local church histories. They also have over 800 issues of the "Southern Presbyterian," which was a prominent journal during the late 19th and early 20 centuries. Their catalog can be searched online at: o----------o C163 RICHLAND CHURCH PICKENS COUNTY Organized 1834. Signed 1834: James O. Lewis, Esq., Mrs. Mary Lewis, James H. Dendy, Mrs. Elizabeth Dendy, Mrs. Eliza F. Dupre, Francis Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Jenkins, Miss Sally Jenkins, John McWhorter, Miss Mary McWhorter, Miss Sally L. McWhorter. Executive Committee: James O. Lewis, Esq.; and the Rev. Benjamin D. Dupre. Trustees at time of James H. Dendy's death: Francis Jenkins, Rhodum Doyle, Simpson Dickson, Lemuel H. Elders, 1871. Capt. S.K. Dendy, only surviving son of Elder James H. Dendy. The Rev. DuPre served the church until 1838/39. Elder John McWhorter died in 1840. In 1841, the Rev. Joseph Hillhouse supplied. Elders: James H. Dendy & Simpson Dickson. Assistant - the Rev. John Leland Kennedy. Retreat was a mission of Richland. The Rev. Anthony W. Ross, the Rev. T.L. McBride, the Rev. David Humphreys of Roberts Church. Elder James H. Dendy died 1846. In 1847, "my mother (mother of John W. Shelor) united with this church and dedicated her 5 children by Baptism. She died a few months later upon my 5th birthday. My father united with the church one year later." DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Oct-2001 Nancy S. Griffith at in Apr-2001 Linda Flynn at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Nancy S. Griffith at in Apr-2001 Doris S. Foster. LIBRARY REFERENCE: Nancy S. Griffith at in Apr-2001 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Ann Rogers of Walhalla SC in 1980's Doris Foster of Richland Presbyterian Church in Oct-2001 Pastor Chuck Reichenbach at in Oct-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 1, space 18) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 1, space 25) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 1, space 30) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 2, space 10) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 2, space 21) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 2, space 22) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 2, space 24) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 2, space 24) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 2, space 27) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 2a, space 22) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 6) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 8) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 12) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 13) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 14) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 18) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 3, space 20) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 4, space 6) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 4, space 26) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 6, space 6) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 7, space 1) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 8, space 5) UNKNOWN GRAVE, Unknown, (row 8, space 8) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 10, space 7) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unknown, (row 10, space 8) UNKNOWN GRAVE, unmarked, (row 15, space 22) ABBOTT, James W., b. 1919, d. 1986, (row 17, space 3) ALEXANDER, Ida D., b. jul-14-1883, d. jun-15-1963, (row 9, space 17) ANDERSON, May Hubbard, b. may-15-1892, d. feb-8-1982, (row 17, space 9) BALLANGER, Grady Woodfin, b. 14-nov-1880, d. 1-jul-1964, a. 84y 4m 13d, (row 18, space 6) BALLENGER, Helen Johnson, b. 1898, d. 1-mar-1987, a. 89y, p. t.s. & lizzie thompson, (row 18, space 8) BALLENGER, Henry A., b. 4-jan-1879, d. 11-dec-1895, a. 16y 24d, (row 12, space 3) BALLENGER, John James, b. 23-jan-1853, d. 4-jan-1939, a. 85y 13d, f. james alexander, (row 12, space 5) BALLENGER, John Theodore, b. 1-dec-1892, d. 5-mar-1970, a. 78y 8m 4d, (row 18, space 7) BALLENGER, Lalla Malinda, b. 16-sep-1888, d. 8-sep-1949, a. 61y 8d, (row 12, space 7) BALLENGER, Lucy Antoinette Hughs, b. 23-mar-1854, d. 1-mar-1935, a. 80y 11m 22d, (row 12, space 6) BALLENGER, Lucy Ervin, b. 18-feb-1884, d. 19-dec-1885, a. 1y 10m 1d, p. john j. & l. ballenger, (row 12, space 2) BALLENGER, Pearle, b. 27-oct-1877, d. 8-jan-1931, a. 54y 8m 11d, (row 12, space 4) BARNETT, Jocob H. (III), b. 1812, d. 1884, (row 3, space 5) BARRON, Isaac T., b. 30-dec-1873, d. 3-nov-1897, a. 23y 10m 3d, p. s.p. & j.l. barron, (row 8, space 16) BERRY, Fredda Hughes, b. 1891, d. 2-jul-1983, a. 92y, p. william harper & mary wilkerson, (row 8, space 26) BOYD, Mary R., b. 4-july-1851, d. 8-june-1916, h. w.e. boyd, (row 14, space 19) BOYD, W.E., b. 20-mar-1846, d. 26-may-1917, w. mary r., csa marker, (row 14, space 20) BRASELTON, Mantie Louise, b. 17-Dec-1899, d. 14-Jul-1972, on single headstone, says sister, buried in warren webb stribling plots, (row 5, space 25) BURNS, Furman H., b. 20-feb-1882, d. 17-jan-1962, on double headstone with henrietta v. burns 1886/1980, (row 20, space 4) BURNS, Henrietta V., b. 15-mar-1886, d. 3-oct-1980, on double headstone with furman h. burns 1882/1962, (row 20, space 5) CASHIN, Henry Barclay, b. 1921, d. 3-nov-1989, p. o.e. & jannie wily cashin, (row 6, space 30) CASHIN, Jane Wyly, b. 12-jan-1887, d. 24-may-1967, single headstone says h. o.e. cashin, also here thomas b. & anna s., (row 11, space 12) CHATLOS, Albert, b. 1909 in allegheny co pa, d. 12-aug-1992, w. marie pauline gambrell chatlos, p. john & verona yuhais chatlos, (row 14, space 22) CHATLOS, Albert, b. c1909, allegheny co pa, d. 12-aug-1992, w. marie pauline gambrell chatlos, p. john & verona yuhais chatlos, (row 14, space 22) COCHRAN, Archie Lynn, b. c1924, d. 3-may-1996, w. frances mcconnell cochran, p. walter b. & eddie sears cochran, navy vet WWII, mem. masons, (row 19, space 16) COCHRAN, Frances McConnell, b.1926c, d.20-june-1999, p. alexander macswain & julia fennell mcconnell, h. archie cochran, (row 14, space 17) COCHRAN, John Wesley, b. 28-nov-1908, d. 23-aug-1976, single headstone beside rhetta r. cochran 1909, (row 11, space 19) COCHRAN, Rhetta R., b. 18-mar-1909, single headstone beside john wesley cochran 1908/1976, (row 11, space 20) COE, Hayden Lumpkin, b. 6-jul-1890, d. 1-oct-1946, single headtone beside mamie charles coe 1889/1980, (row 20, space 8) COE, Mamie Charles, b. 15-sept-1889, d. 9-apr-1980, single headstone beside hayden lumpkin coe 1890/1946, (row 20, space 9) COE, Sarah Hughs, b. 24-aug-1859, d. 4-may-1932, single headstone, h. hayden l. coe, also here lalla malinda, pearle, henry, lucy ervin & john james ballenger & lucy antoinette hughs & john b. knox, (row 12, space 8) **************** DAVIDSON, Amelia, d. 18-apr-1908, a. 78y DUPLICATE RECORD? DAVIDSON, Amelia, d. 1888, a. 78y, (row 3, space 10) **************** DAVIS, Dean (Jr), b. 1923, d. 8-may-1993 in greenville sc, w. june murphy davis, p. dean sr., & lynn verner davis, army vet ww2, (row 20, space 16) DAVIS, Dean, b. 1889, d. 1941, single headstone beside lynn v. 1891/1972, buried in j.j. davis plots, (row 15, space 1) DAVIS, Emma Gossett Hoops, b. 15-mar-1861, d. 26-jul-1934, (row 1, space 15) DAVIS, H. Kate Dean, b. 3-oct-1853, d. 10-mar-1898, single headstone beside h. j.j. 1847/1911, p. russell & mary dean, (row 14, space 2) DAVIS, Infant Daughter, b. 7-oct-1904, d. 7-oct-1904, f. robert m. davis, (row 14, space 10) DAVIS, J.J., b. 8-dec-1847, d. 10-mar-1911, single headstone beside w. h. kate 1853/1898, csa, also here lyn v., sydney a. & dean davis, he is also beside sallie l. 1878/1962, (row 14, space 3) DAVIS, Julia A., b. 1882, d. 1984, (row 15, space 3) DAVIS, Lynn V., b. 1891, d. 1972, single headstone beside dean 1889/1941, buried in j.j. davis plots, (row 15, space 2) DAVIS, Mary L. Landers, b. 1869, d. 1959, single headstone beside richard mcknight davis 1858/1941, (row 18, space 2) DAVIS, Robert McKnight, b. 30-mar-1858, d. 31-mar-1941, single headstone beside mary e. landers davis 1869/1959, also see infant daughter of robert m. davis 10/7/1904, (row 18, space 1) DAVIS, Sallie L., b. 1878, d. 1962, single headstone beside j.j. davis 1847/1911, (row 14, space 4) DAVIS, Sydney A., b. 9-mar-1880, d. 20-apr-1949, single headstone, buried in j.j. davis plots, (row 14, space 1) DEBRUHL, Tallulah May Pickett, b. 25-jul-1897, d. 5-oct-1947, single headstone, says h. edward calhoun debruhl, buried in john birdsey pickett plots, (row 14, space 9) DENDY, Caroline Wideman, b. 25-nov-1876, double headstone with h. j. haskell 1877/1914, (row 9, space 15) DENDY, Dasie, b. 1891, d. 1894, (row 6, space 9) DENDY, Elizabeth, b. 29-aug-1804, d. 23-dec-1879, single headstone beside james hogan dendy 1783/1846, (row 9, space 2) DENDY, Frances, b. 1-sept-1912, d. 7-sept-1913, single headstone, p. j.h. & e.c.w. dendy, buried in j. haskell & caroline wideman dendy plots, (row 9, space 13) DENDY, J. Allen, b. 1875, d. 1941, (row 9, space 19) DENDY, J. Haskell, b. 1877, d. 1914, (row 9, space 14) DENDY, James H., b. 1783, d. 1846, (row 9, space 1) DENDY, Julia Stiles, b. 1868, d. 1924, (row 9, space 3) DENDY, Lou Jane, b. 9-aug-1863, d. 6-feb-1864, single headstone, buried in william h. dendy plots, (row 6, space 28) DENDY, Lucy A., b. 25-oct-1845, d. 17-mar-1905, single headstone beside h. thomas h. dendy 1837/1899, (row 9, space 8) DENDY, Lucy J., b. 1910, d. 1911, (row 9, space 10) DENDY, Lula B., b. 1880, d. 1946, single headstone beside j. allen dendy 1875/1941, (row 9, space 20) DENDY, Marrie, b. 17-jan-1894, d. 21-may-1894, single headstone, p. w.r. & s.s. dendy, buried beside william r. & sallie s. mcgee dendy, (row 6, space 10) DENDY, Marshal Bertrand, b. 16-feb-1833, d. 21-apr-1911, dbl. headstone with w. mary l. penny dendy 1842/1883, buried in james hogan dendy plots, (row 9, space 5) DENDY, Mary L. Penny, b. 19-mar-1842, d. 4-aug-1883, dbl. headstone with marshal bertrand dendy 1833/1911; says w. of m.b. dendy, (row 9, space 4) DENDY, Mary P., b. 1842, d. 1883, (row 9, space 4) DENDY, Sallie S. McGee, b. 13-jan-1874, d. 15-nov-1955, dbl. headstone with husband william r. dendy 1861/1937, (row 6, space 12) DENDY, Thomas H., b. 1-aug-1837, d. 8-apr-1899, single headstone, csa marker, beside w. lucy a. dendy 1845/1905, buried in james hogan dendy plots, also here daughter florence irene dendy ervin, (row 9, space 7) DENDY, Thomas Jordan, b. 30-jul-1911, d. 15-jun-1912, single headstone, says p. j.h. & e.c. dendy, buried in j. haskell & caroline wideman dendy plots, csa, (row 9, space 11) DENDY, William H., b. 1831, d. 1864, (row 6, space 29) DENDY, William Henry, b. 8-may-1870, d. 3-jan-1891, single headstone says brother, buried in thomas h. dendy plots & james hogan dendy plots, (row 9, space 6) DENDY, William R. (Dr), b. 10-mar-1861, d. 27-aug-1937, double headstone with w. sallie s. mcgee, has masonic emblem, also here is daughter marrie 1894/1894, (row 6, space 11) DOYLE, Cary C., b. 1895, d. 20-oct-1983, p. jasper & ella dendy doyle, (row, space 5) DOYLE, Ella Dendy, b. 6-feb-1866, d. 16-dec-1953, h. jasper 1852/1930, (row 13, space 4) DOYLE, Francis Clay, b. 19-oct-1922, d. 15-jun-1993, w. marjorie kooker doyle, p. oscar henry & haze doyle, (row 18, space 23) DOYLE, Ida Beth, b. 1904, d. 28-dec-1997, p. jasper & ella dendy doyle, (row 18, space 6) DOYLE, Jasper, b. 3-apr-1852, d. 22-jan-1930, w. ella dendy doyle 1866/1953, (row 13, space 3) DOYLE, Simon Oliver, b. 13-mar-1892, d. 3-apr-1892, buried beside jasper 1852/1930, (row 13, space 2) DOYLE, Susan Gillison, b. 20-jun-1891, d. 20-feb-1927, buried beside simon oliver doyle, (row 13, space 1) DUBOSE, Carl Balentine, b. 1907, d. 24-dec-1987, w. maude sims dubose, p. e.c. & clara balent, (row 16, space 16) DUBOSE, Charles E., b. 1869, d. 1945, on double headstone with ethel b. dubose 1891/1956, (row 17, space 10) DUBOSE, Clara B., b. 1870, d. 1949, (row 16, space 14) DUBOSE, Edwin Cantey, b. 16-mar-1906, d. 27-feb-1984, w. felton mcguire dubose, p. edwin cantey, (row 17, space 16) DUBOSE, Edwin Cantey, b. 1-dec-1867, d. 2-dec-1911, woodmen of the world emblem, (row 16, space 13) DUBOSE, Ethel B., b. 1891, d. 1956, on double headstone with charles e. dubose 1869/1945, (row 17, space 11) ********************** DUBOSE, Felton McGuire, b. 9-mar-1907, d. 28-nov-1986, h. edwin cantey dubose, p. david & est..?, (row 17, space 17) NAME ? ********************** ******************** DUBOSE, Geneva Payne, b. 28-oct-1910, d. 7-mar-1997, h. milton m. dubose, p. lawrence w. & bessie se..?, (row 17, space 14) NAME? ******************** DUBOSE, Infant Son, b. 1897, d. 1897, (row 17, space 15) DUBOSE, Maude Sims, b. 1918, d. 8-jan-1991, h. carl ballentine dubose, p. robert l. & sally j. sims, (row 16, space 17) DUBOSE, Milton Murff, b. 27-jun-1904, d. 22-jul-1978, on double headstone with geneva payne dubose, (row 17, space 13) DuBOSE, Richard Preston, b.1935c, d.27-dec-1999, w. dorothy matheson dubose, p. edwin cantey & felton mcguire dubose, (row 17, space-18) DUBOSE, Robert P., b. 24-dec-1897, d. 2-feb-1931, (row 16, space 15) DUBOSE, Selena O., b. 18-aug-1894, d. 23-sep-1960, (row 16, space 12) DUBOSE, Virgil Linsy, b. 4-apr-1918, d. 5-apr-1922, p. c.e. & ethel dubose, (row 17, space 12) EDWARDS, Frank, b. 7-dec-1898, d. 31-may-1899, p. j.f. & hattie p. edwards, (row 14, space 6) ELLISON, A. H., b. 22-dec-1839, d. 2-dec-1932, w. martha agnes steele ellison, csa marker says captain, (row 6, space 15) ELLISON, Ella Duffie, b. 16-aug-1901, d. 11-nov-1906, p. s.m. & sam ellison, (row 6, space 18) ELLISON, Jessie Maude, b. 18-may-1886, d. 14-aug-1911, buried in william davis steele ellison plots, (row 6, space 19) ELLISON, Leila Virginia, b. 3-jun-1883, d. 6-jul-1883, buried in a.h. ellison plots, (row 6, space 8) ELLISON, Martha Agnes Steele, b. 18-sep-1845, d. 24-jan-1921, h. a.h. ellison, (row 6, space 16) ELLISON, Nannie Jane, b. 2-feb-1874, d. 23-aug-1875, buried in a.h. ellison plots, (row 6, space 7) ELLISON, Robert M., b. 16-jul-1871, d. 31-may-1916, buried in william h. dendy plots, woodmen of world emblem, (row 6, space 25) ELLISON, Sarah Antionette, b. 19-sep-1887, d. 1-may-1888, buried in a.h. ellison plots, (row 6, space 9) ELLSION, William Davis Steele, b. 10-nov-1876, d. 1-oct-1900, buried in a.h. ellison plots, (row 6, space 17) ERVIN, Florence Irene Dendy, b. 1867, d. 20-nov-1902, h. samuel e. ervin, p. thomas h. & lucy dendy, a. 35y, (row 9, space 9) FENNELL, Infant Daughter, (row 12, space 12) FENNELL, Infant Daughter, f. william mcswain fennell, (row 13, space 18) FENNELL, Infant Son, f. william mcswain fennell, (row 13, space 18) FENNELL, Kate, b. 17-apr-1886 d. 16-nov-1886, beside marvin fennell, daughter and son of t.s. fennell, (row 1, space 1) FENNELL, Marvin, b. 15-oct-1878 d. 17-jan-1883, son of t.s. and m.m. fennell, (row 1, space 2) FENNELL, Musa Keith, b. 1874, d. 1936, beside william mcswain fennell, 1871/1949, (row 13, space 9) *********************** FENNELL, William Marion, child, (row 12, space 11) FENNELL, William Marvin, child WHAT IS CORRECT NAME? *********************** FENNELL, William McSwain, b. 1871 d. 1949, also infant daughter and son, (row 13, space 8) FOSTER, Doris S., b. 1925, (row 13, space 19) FOSTER, Dorsey Harold, b. 1923 d. 19-jan-1989, w. doris snead foster, p. robert & becky foster, (row 13, space 18) GAINES, Charley M., b. 10-apr-1880, d. 3-mar-1952, double marker with mary lou, (row 10, space 5) GAINES, Mary Lou, b. 8-aug-1873, d. 23-feb-1958, double marker with charley m. gaines, (row 10, space 6) GAMBRELL, Ada S., b. 21-aug-1907, d. 5-feb-1930, double marker with john b. gambrell, (row 14, space 12) GAMBRELL, Carolyn B., b. 4-oct-1868, d. 18-nov-1953/63, double marker with claude e. gambrell, (row 15, space 11) GAMBRELL, Claude E., b. 20-oct-1872, d. 2-nov-1952, double marker with carolyn b. gambrell, (row 15, space 10) GAMBRELL, Claude Edison, b. 1909, d. 8-may-1994, w. irene evelyn lee gambrell, son of claude e. gambrell, (row 15, space 24) GAMBRELL, Edward Monroe, b. 13-july-1867, d. 18-june-1928, double marker with janie e. patterson, (row 14, space 14) GAMBRELL, Eunice P., b. 9-jan-1900, d. 19-dec-1968, beside e.m. gambrell, (row 15, space 12) GAMBRELL, Evelyn Irene Lee, b.1904c, d.4-dec-1987, p. fred & martha mckee lee, h. claude edis, row 15, space 23 GAMBRELL, Infant Son, b. 2-oct-1937, d. 2-oct-1937, p. wade m. & keiffer gambrell, (row 15, space 17) GAMBRELL, Irene L., b. 1904, d. 1987, (row 15, space 23) GAMBRELL, Janie E. Patterson, b. 25-feb-1866, d. 10-jan-1945, double marker with edward monroe, (row 14, space 13) GAMBRELL, John B., b. 1-sept-1904, d. 31-jan-1969, double marker with ada s. gambrell, (row 14, space 11) GIBSON, James, b. 11-june-1837, d. 25-july-1912, (row 4, space 26) GIBSON, Laura V., b. 1881, d. 1921, (row 2a, space 27) GILLISON, Agnes H., b. 6-aug-1887, d. 3-sept-1964, (row 16, space 7) GILLISON, Bert Fennel, b. 16-aug-1877, d. 14-dec-1959, double marker with elijah gillison, (row 16, space 5) GILLISON, Burns, b. 6-june-1870, d. 17-oct-1947, (row 16, space 8) GILLISON, Carrie B., b.31-oct-1886, d.18-jan-1970, double marker with jay g. gillison, (row 16, space 10) GILLISON, Elijah, b. 7-mar-1868, d. 4-june-1931, double marker with bert fenel gillison, (row 16, space 4) GILLISON, Jay G., b. 25-feb-1884, d. 5-july-1955, double marker with carrie b. gillison, (row 16, space 9) GILLISON, Jay Hunsinger, b.1921c, d.20-sept-2000, paul & agnes elizabeth hunsinger gillison, (row 16, space 11) GILLISON, John M. (Sr), b. 19-jan-1914, d. 8-mar-1968, sc s sgt army postal unit world war II, (row 7, space 13) GILLISON, John M., b. 29-oct-1823, d. 12-feb-1909, double marker with sarah b. gillison, csa, (row 16, space 2) GILLISON, Paul, b. 9-oct-1874, d. 13-dec-1944, (row 16, space 6) GILLISON, Sarah B., b. 12-aug-1841, d. 4-may-1919, double marker with john m. gillison, (row 16, space 3) GILLISON, William H., b. 1928, d. 1985, (row 16, space 1) GOSSETT, James P., b.30-nov-1862/7, d.19-sept-1889, beside mary estella gossett, (row 1, space 6) GOSSETT, Mary Estella, b.12-mar-1895, d.23-aug-1895, beside james p. gossett, (row 1, space 5) GREEN, G.W., d. 26-jan-1884, w. tecoa a. parker, (row 7, space 11) GREEN, Harrie Leslie, b. 22-nov-1882, d. 31-june-1883, p. g.w. & t.a. green, (row 7, space 10) GREEN, Tecoa, b. 1858, d. 1886, (row 7, space 12) HAWKINS, Beula, b. 1937, d. 1979, (row 2a, space 30) HENRY, Emma G., b. 13-apr-1860, d. 9-july-1936, double marker with jeff d. henry, (row 1, space 22) HENRY, Etta, b. 2-oct-1892, d. 9-dec-1908, p. j.d. henry, beside john henry, (row 4, space 24) HENRY, Jeff D., b. 16-mar-1858, d. 22-nov-1933, double marker with emma g. henry, (row 1, space 23) HENRY, John, b. 2-mar-1901, d. 5-june-1913, p. j.d. & m.e. henry, beside etta henry, (row 4, space 23) HOOPS, Father, csa, (row 1, space 11) HOOPS, Infant Son, b. 2-oct-1896, d. 5-oct-1896, single headstone, f. j.e. hoops, (row 1, space 9) HOOPS, John E., b. 3-feb-1854, d. 14-sep-1906, also here infant son of william j. hoops, (row 1, space 13) HOOPS, Lucy A., b. 6-dec-1889, d. 24-mar-1890, single headstone beside william j. hoops, (row 1, space 8) HOOPS, Mother, letters l.h. appear on church records, (row 1, space 12) HOOPS, William J., b. 26-jun-1864, d. 9-oct-1939, single headstone beside lucy a. hoops, (row 1, space 7) HOPKINS, John J., b. 1938, d. 2?-mar-1939, beside julie hopkins, (row 2, space 26) HOPKINS, Julie, b. 3-feb-1893, d. 16-nov-1929, single headstone beside john jr hopkins, (row 1, space 29) HUBBARD, Cora T., b. 8-oct-1878, d. 5-apr-1960, (row 17, space 7) HUBBARD, Eliza Ann McMahan, b. 10-oct-1855, d. 4-apr-1942, beside william thomas hubbard, (row 17, space 6) HUBBARD, Martha, b. 3-june-1923, d. 3-june-1923, daughter of j.m. & j. hubbard, (row 17, space 4) HUBBARD, William Thomas, b. 29-oct-1854, d. 8-oct-1945, beside eliza ann mcmahan hubbard, (row 17, space 5) HUBBARD, Zola Carrie, b. 20-aug-1881, d. 17-jan-1966, (row 17, space 8) HUGHS, Aseanieth, b. 28-mar-1795, d. 17-nov-1870, h. edward hughs, (row 6, space 4) HUGHS, Blanche Cox, b. 24-sept-1876, d. 16-sept-1968, h. stiles n. hughs sr, (row 21, space 9) HUGHS, Dora Pitchford, b. 28-nov-1891, d. 15-jan-1980, beside thomas henry hughs, (row 8, space 25) HUGHS, Edward, b. 6-sept-1792/7, d. 19-apr-1868, w. aseanieth hughs, (row 6, space 5) HUGHS, Elizabeth F., b. 21-mar-1828, d. 3-july-1913, double marker with henry r. hughs, (row 6, space 2) HUGHS, Eugene Wilkinson, b. 1-june-1895, d. 17-jan-1962, (row 8, space 23) HUGHS, Harry Robinson (Jr), b. 4-nov-1915, d. 11-mar-1968, military marker: sc s sgt 577 base unit a, (row 21, space 4) HUGHS, Harry Robinson, b. 7-mar-1889, d. 28-oct-1945, ww1, (row 21, space 1) HUGHS, Henry R., b. 2-sept-1818, d. 6-july-1862, double marker with elizabeth f. hughs, (row 6, space 3) HUGHS, Infants, b. 1910, d. 1910, p. harry r. & mellwee t. hughs, (row 21, space 3) HUGHS, James E., b. 18-may-1851, d. 6-may-1884, (row 6, space 1) HUGHS, Kenneth Edward, b. 20-nov-1908, d. 7-nov-1970, major us air force retired, (row 21, space 11) HUGHS, Margaret, d. 1902, a. 14y 10m, (row 8, space 21) HUGHS, Mary E., b. 12-dec-1864, d. 21-nov-1939, h. william harper hughs, (row 8, space 19) HUGHS, Millwee Talbert, b. 4-dec-1888, d. 19-aug-1963, h. harry robinson hughs, (row 21, space 2) HUGHS, Nina, b. 1898, d. 14-aug-1901, a. 3y 6m 5d, p. w.h. & mary e. hughs, (row 8, space 20) HUGHS, Stiles N. (Jr), b. 5-oct-1903, d. 9-oct-1967, (row 21, space 10) HUGHS, Stiles Newton, b. 16-mar-1861, d. 29-apr-1947, p. henry robinson & elizabeth dendy hughs, (row 21, space 8) HUGHS, Thomas Henry, b. 4-nov-1888, d. 12-aug-1970, beside dora pitchford hughs, (row 8, space 24) HUGHS, William Harper, b. 13-oct-1855, d. 2-june-1941, w. mary e. hughs, (row 8, space 18) HUNT, Ora Stribling, b. 8-july-1873, d. 9-jan-1898, (row 12, space 14) HUTCHINSON, Agnes S. Ellison, b. 19-may-1878, d. 27-mar-1981, beside william isaac hutchinson, (row 6, space 21) HUTCHINSON, William Isaac, b. 8-sept-1869, d. 11-apr-1948, beside agnes s. ellison hutchinson, (row 6, space 20) JAYNES, Della S., b. 28-oct-1833, d. 2-feb-1899, beside waddy t. jaynes, (row 11, space 2) JAYNES, Waddy T., b. 7-dec-1833, d. 24-feb-1903, beside della s. jaynes, (row 11, space 3) JOHNSON, Eugene G., b. 1935, d. 1970, (row 21, space 6) JONES, Cora W., b. 22-sept-1889, d. 8-dec-1971, double marker with wayland b. jones, (row 11, space 18) JONES, Pauline Dendy, b. 1933, d. 1995, (row 9, space 21) JONES, Wayland B., b. 10-july-1891, d. 28-apr-1958, double marker with cora w. jones, (row 11, space 17) KEITH, Eugenia F., b. 1845, d. 1900, (row 12, space 10) KEITH, John J., b. 13-july-1846, d. 12-dec-1900, double marker with eugenia f. keith, (row 12, space 9) KELLEY, Kannie K., b. 1900, d. 1948, (row 16, space 22) KELLEY, Marshall Glenn, b. c1942, d.1-feb-1996, p. g.i. & kaney kell kelley, w. lola rachel oliver, (row 16, space 25) KELLY, Alethea Talley, b. 12-dec-1871, d. 6-mar-1937, h. william l. kelly, (row 16, space 22) KERR, Mary Coe, b. 1931, d. 13-may-1989, p. hayden lumpkin & mamie charles coe, h. hugh kerr, (row 20, space 10) **************** KEYS, Joel Edwin, b. 1921, d. 2001, (row 22, space ?) SPACE #? **************** KNOX, John B., b. 16-sept-1909, d. 12-june-1981, (row 12, space 1) LEE, Rubye E. Snead, b. 9-sept-1900, d. 28-sept-1935, h. carl f. lee, (row 14, space 21) LEGETTE, Marvin A., b. 15-mar-1896, d. 16-mar-1976, beside ruth m. legette, (row 10, space 20) LEGETTE, Ruth M., b. 4-jan-1904, d. 27-july-1985, p. garnett m. & rosa king martin, h. marvin a. legette, (row 10, space 21) MAGILL, Julia Stiles Dendy, b.25-apr-1868, d.8-june-1924, h. john h. magill, (row 4, space 3) MAGILL, Winona Dendy, b. 7-mar-1901, d. 31-dec-1951, (row 9, space 16) McCONNELL, A. McSwain, b. 1893, d. 1970, double marker with julia f. mcconnell, (row 18, space 10) McCONNELL, Frederick McSwain, Lt. Col., b.1917c, d.24-apr-2000, w. vivian hamilton mcconnell, p. alexander mcswain & julia fennel mcconnell, army vet WWII, korea, vietnam, (row 14, space 10) McCONNELL, John Edwin, b. 1921, d. 1960, beside a. mcswain & julia f. mcconnell, vet of WWII sgt. b c, (row 18, space 12) McCONNELL, Julia F., b. 1892, d. 1960, double marker with a. mcswain mcconnell, (row 18, space 11) McCUTCHEON, Rachel P., b. 22-aug-1908, double marker with thomas e. mccutcheon, (row 4, space 14) McCUTCHEON, Thomas E., b. 7-may-1906, d. 14-dec-1972, double marker with rachel p. mccutcheon, (row 4, space 15) McDONALD, Joseph N., b. 1884, d. 1966, double marker with kate s. mcdonald, (row 13, space 16) McDONALD, Kate S., b. 1880, d. 1966, double marker with joseph n. mcdonald, (row 13, space 17) McMAHAN, Anne, b. 10-jan-1890, d. 21-sept-1969, (row 19, space 3) McMAHAN, Beth Coe, b. 1897, d. 1984, h. edgar oliver mcmahan, (row 19, space 9) McMAHAN, Carrie, b. 16-may-1898, d. 30-july-1975, (row 19, space 5) McMAHAN, Edgar O., b. 1892, d. 1975, (row 19, space 8) McMAHAN, Jefferson D., b. 1861, d. 1942, (row 19, space 1) McMAHAN, Kate S., b. 1866, d. 1957, (row 19, space 2) McMAHAN, Mathew A., b. 1972, d. 1972, (row 19, space 4) MOORE, Millie, b. 1900, d. 1952, (row 1, space 33) MOOREHEAD, Matilda Gordon, b. 11-oct-1816, d. 23-apr-1882, h. lewis moorehead, (row 7, space 3) MORGAN, John E., b. 3-sept-1891, d. 30-july-1979, double marker with winnie g. morgan, (row 15, space 19) MORGAN, Winnie G., b. 27-apr-1896, d. 17-dec-1977, double marker with john e. morgan, (row 15, space 18) MOSER, Mary Beuna, b.3-may-1936, d.26-june-1936, f. i.w. moser, (row 1, space 16) NEVILLE, Louisa Dendy, b. 9-feb-1841, d. 29-oct-1912, h. william neville, (row 9, space 12) O'NEAL, Mack, d. 1893, (row 3, space 1) PATTERSON, A.E., b. 1838, d. 7-aug-1900, a. 62y., w. rachel r. patterson, (row 14, space 17) PATTERSON, H. Frank, b. 11-nov-1872, d. 28-may-1937, beside susan s. patterson, (row 4, space 10) PATTERSON, Lucy C., b. 11-feb-1867, d. 18-june-1932, (row 14, space 15) PATTERSON, Rachel R., b. 1839, d. 4-sept-1899, a. 60y, h. a.e. patterson, (row 14, space 16) PATTERSON, Susan S., b. 12-oct-1878, d. 27-nov-1960, beside h. frank patterson, (row 4, space 11) PERRY, Charlie, b. 20-aug-1876, d. 23-aug-1876, p. john d. & burt perry, (row 7, space 6) PERRY, John D., b. 25-feb-1842, d. 24-oct-1920, w. permelia burt moorehead perry, (row 7, space 4) PERRY, Permelia Burt Moorehead, b. 23-nov-1855, d. 23-nov-1925, h. john d. perry, (row 7, space 5) PICKETT, John Birdsey, b. 11-jan-1842, d. 30-nov-1912, w. martha mcfall pickett, (row 14, space 7) PICKETT, Martha McFall, b. 18-dec-1843, d. 30-dec-1925, h. john birdsey pickett, (row 14, space 8) POSEY, John T., b. 6-apr-1866, d. 19-july-1934, (row 3, space 21) POSEY, N. Idel G., b. 2-oct-1879, d. 27-feb-1965, beside john t. posey, (row 3, space 22) POSEY, Pherby S., b. 16-may-1876, d. 20-feb-1903, beside r.l. posey, h. j.t.b. posey, (row 3, space 17) POSEY, R.L., b. 20-june-1905, d. 13-apr-1909, p. j.t. & dellie posey, (row 3, space 19) POSEY, Teddy Theodore, b. 1907, d. 2-may-1990, p. john thomas & naomi dell gibson posey, (row 3, space 23) RANKIN, Geraldine, b. 1885, d. 6-dec-1984, p. marshall theodore & anna fennell hughs, h. jesse w. rankin, (row 20, space 3) RANKIN, Infant Son, b. 6-mar-1912, d. 6-mar-1912, double marker with f. jesse w. rankin, (row 20, space 1) RANKIN, Jesse W., b. 1884, d. 1959, w. geraldine, beside infant son, (row 20, space 1) RANKIN, William T., b. 1912, d. 1912, (row 20, space 2) ************* REID, Lucy L., b. 1875, d. 1961, (row 2, space 7) REID, Lucy Lumpkin Thomas, b.1875, d.1961, beside 1st h. c. sloan thomas, (row 7, space 7) NAME CORRECT? 2ND HUSBAND REID? ************************* RIDGE, Davy Jo S., b. 1932, (row 5, space 24) ROBIN(S), Eliza, b. june-1812, d. 16-jan-1893, h. abel robins, (row 7, space 2) ROCHESTER, Fuller, b. 1889, d. 1907, (row 2, space 23) RUST, Elizabeth B., b. 28-nov-1803/8, d. 14-feb-1881, (row 11, space 1) RUTLEDGE, Amanda Doyle, b. 1845, d. 1913, (row 3, space 11) SADLER, Louise M., (row 9, space 24) SHANKLIN, Eley W., b. 1877, d. 1878, (row 8, space 2) SHANKLIN, J.L., b. 30-sept-1828, d. 16-dec-1906, double marker with julia d. shanklin, csa, captin, (row 8, space 6) SHANKLIN, Johnson B., b. 1905, d. 1980, double marker with nancy m. shanklin, (row 8, space 11) SHANKLIN, Johnson Barbour, b. 15-dec-1874, d. 22-mar-1952, beside mamie davis shanklin, (row 8, space 14) SHANKLIN, Joseph Augustus, b. 21-feb-1898, d. 31-may-1972, beside johnson barbout shanklin, (row 8, space 13) SHANKLIN, Julia D., b. 1-june-1852, d. 30-mar-1925, double marker with j.l. shanklin, (row 8, space 7) SHANKLIN, Julius V., b. 1888, d. 1889, (row 8, space 4) SHANKLIN, L. Dendy, b. 1880, d. 1881, (row 8, space 3) SHANKLIN, Mamie Davis, b. 13-may-1876, d. 3-dec-1948, beside johnson barbour shanklin, (row 8, space 15) SHANKLIN, Nancy M., b. 1909, d. 1976, double marker with johnson b. shanklin, (row, space 12) SHANKLIN, Pearl Verner, b. 1888, d. 19??, double marker with samuel morris shanklin, (row 8, space 10) SHANKLIN, Samuel Morris, b. 1878, d. 1962, double marker with pearl verner shanklin, (row 8, space 9) SHELOR, Jane Stribling, b. 1852, d. 1924, (row 10, space 17) SHELOR, John W., b. 1845, d. 1916, csa, (row 10, space 16) SHELOR, Mary R., b. 24-feb-1876, d. 30-may-1911, p. john w. & m.j. shelor, (row 10, space 15) SIMPSON, Emily Dendy, b. 11-jan-1886, d. 15-july-1913, h. w.d. simpson, (row 9, space 18) SLIGH, Eva Langston, b. 29-july-1891, d. 3-dec-1971, double marker with paul m. sligh, (row 4, space 4) SLIGH, Paul M., b. 23-apr-1882, d. 12-june-1967, double marker with eva langston sligh, (row 4, space 3) SLIGH, Rena Fay, b. 19-oct-1874, d. 31-jan-1892, beside susan s. sligh, (row 4, space 1) SLITH, Susan S., b. 5-sept-1854, d. 5-aug-1933, beside rena fay sligh, (row 4, space 2) SMITH, Clarence, b. 1918, d. 1918, (row 2a, space 25) SMITH, Ernest M., b. 1875, d. 1965, double marker with jeanett k. smith, married 1911, (row 16, space 19) SMITH, Freeman C., b. 27-may-1892, d. 9-july-1959, double marker with lucille w. smith, (row 2a, space 29) SMITH, Infant Son, f. jeff smith, beside clarence smith, (row 2a, space 26) SMITH, Infant, p. e.b. & k.s. sligh, beside sarah sligh smith, (row 4, space 7) SMITH, Infants, d. 1923, f. e.m. smith, (row 16, space 18) SMITH, Jeanett K., b. 1890, double marker with ernest m. smith, (row 16, space 20) SMITH, Louise Gibson, d. 1926, (row 3a, space 22) SMITH, Lucille W., b. 30-july-1907, d. 2-mar-1952, double marker with freeman c. smith, (row 2a, space 28) SMITH, Margie O., b. 1935, d. 1991, (row 2a, space 31) SMITH, Mariah E., b. 1862, d. 1943, (row 2, space 28) SMITH, Mary A., b. 1876, d. 1934, (row 1, space 29) SMITH, Sarah Sligh, b. 2-sept-1872, d. 8-oct-1895, (row 4, space 8) SMITHSON, Tecoa A. McParker Green, b.25-may-1858, d.20-may-1886, p. w.f. & m.g. mcparker, 1st h. g.w. smithson, (row 7, space 12) SOMMERS, Arthur Paul, b.1923, d. 1-june-1990, p. arthur p. & clara windbeil sommers, w. pearl virginia sommers, (row 19, space 25) STRIBLING, Angie Ross, b. 1-july-1865, d. 6-mar-1956, p. dr william s. & mary l. poindexter ross, double marker with rev thomas mcknight stribling, (row 5, space 18) STRIBLING, Anna M., b. 4-feb-1820, d. 6-mar-1901, double marker with m.s. stribling, (row 11, space 8) STRIBLING, Bessie Conger, b. 22-feb-1868, d. 31-jan-1940, p. bernecia mitchell & hedges a. conger, double marker with james paul stribling, (row 5, space 19) STRIBLING, Bessie M., b. 1906, (row 5, space 21) STRIBLING, Bob, beside w. ruth stribling, (row 5, space 1) STRIBLING, Carrie, b. 1878, d. 1953, beside william david & lou harbin stribling, (row 12, space 17) STRIBLING, Charles Lane, b. 10-mar-1900, d. 29-june-1901, p. j.p. & b.m. stribling, (row 5, space 13) STRIBLING, David W., b. 1904, d. 24-jan-1994, p. james paul & bessie may conger stribling, w. thelma braselton stribling, (row 5, space 22) STRIBLING, Ebenezer S., b. 7-apr-1862, d. 20-jan-1915, beside m.s. & anna m. stribling, (row 11, space 6) STRIBLING, Edna, b. 4-sept-1892, d.7-sept-1894/6, p. j.p. & b.m. stribling, (row 5, space 9) STRIBLING, Emily E., b. 1-feb-1910, d. 24-oct-1913, p. j.p. & b.m. stribling, (row 5, space 15) STRIBLING, Emily Rebecca Dendy, b. 5-june-1831, d. 12-nov-1914, double marker with warren webb stribling, (row 5, space 6) STRIBLING, George Buchanon, b. 16-mar-1925, d. 12-oct-1925, p. fred d. & lily g. stribling, (row 5, space 10) STRIBLING, Infant Son, d. 2-feb-1930, p. david & thelma stribling, (row 5, space 16) STRIBLING, J. Dendy, b. 24-mar-1871, d. 9-june-1897, w. s.a. stribling, beside daughter neta stribling, (row 5, space 12) STRIBLING, James Paul, b. 19-july-1862, d. 5-feb-1953, double marker with bessit conger stribling, p. emily dendy & warren webb stribling, (row 5, space 14) STRIBLING, James Paul, b. 30-apr-1902, d. 25-dec-1906, p. j.p. & b.m. stribling, (row 5, space 20) STRIBLING, John, b. 7-sept-1913, d. 17-nov-1923, beside william david & lou harbin stribling, (row 12, space 13) STRIBLING, Jonnie Alice, b. 10-dec-1872, d. 12-june-1953, (row 13, space 12) STRIBLING, Joseph David, b. 4-feb-1888, d. 1-june-1889, beside susan margaret stribling, (row 10, space 3) STRIBLING, Lemuel David, b. 1-mar-1845, d. 10-jan-1920, w. mattie stribling, (row 10, space 13) STRIBLING, Lou Harbin, b. 11-june-1850, d. 26-aug-1901, double marker with william david stribling, (row 12, space 15) STRIBLING, M.S., b. 2-may-1819, d. 3-may-1890, w. anna m. stribling, (row 11, space 7) STRIBLING, Margaret Hampton, b. 7-nov-1876, d. 21-aug-1880, p. s.p. & s.j. stribling, (row 10, space 1) STRIBLING, Mattie Brownlee, b. 14-dec-1848, d. 23-oct-1897, h. lemuel david stribling, p. w.a. & amanda scott brownlee, (row 10, space 14) *************** STRIBLING, Neta, b. 1826, d. 18??, (row 5, space 11) STRIBLING, Neta, b. 27-oct-1896, d. 19-apr-1897, daughter of j.d. & s.a. stribling *************** STRIBLING, R. Stiles, b. 2-nov-1856, d. 29-june-1879, (row 5, space 8) STRIBLING, Ruth, beside h. bob stribling, (row 5, space 2) STRIBLING, Susan Margret, b. 26-mar-1858, d. 27-may-1889, beside joseph david stribling, (row 10, space 2) STRIBLING, Thelma Josephine Braselton, b. 1904, d. 26-june-2000, p. walter webster & frances emiline harrison braselton, (row 5, space 23) STRIBLING, Thomas McKinght (Rev), b. 30-nov-1865, d. 1-july-1938, p. emily dendy & warren webb stribling, double marker with angie ross stribling, (row 5, space 17) STRIBLING, Warren Webb, b. 18-apr-1826, d. 14-dec-1972, double marker with emily rebecca stribling, m. 11-dec-1850, (row 5, space 5) STRIBLING, William David, b. 16-nov-1845, d. 8-feb-1931, double marker with lou harbin stribling, (row 12, space 16) STROUD, Grace V., b. 1895, d. 1995, (row 20, space 14) STROUD, Herbert D., b. 1898, d. 1975, (row 20, space 15) THOMAS, Arminda Moss, b. 1831, d. 1909, beside lemuel thomas, (row 2, space 4) THOMAS, C. Sloan, b. 29-feb-1868, d. 1-apr-1903/8, beside lucy l. reid, (row 2, space 6) THOMAS, James Edward, b. 1865, d. 1881, beside infant of lucy thomas whitmire, (row 2, space 1) THOMAS, John L. (Bill), b. 1900, d. 1968, p. sloan thomas & lucy lumpkin thomas, (row 2, space 8) THOMAS, Lemuel, b. 1814, d. 1896, beside arminda moss thomas, (row 2, space 3) THOMAS, Sara, b. 15-nov-1896, d. 12-july-1901, p. c.sloan & lucy thomas, (row 2, space 5) URBAN, Annie, b. 188?, d. ?-mar-1943, a. 58y, beside bruno e. urban, (row1, space 32) URBAN, Bruno E., d. 4-dec-1934, beside annie urban, (row 1, space 33) VERNER, Charles L., b. 22-jan-1883, d. 8-jan-1968, (row 20, space 6) VERNER, Edward E., b. 1891/3, d. 13-feb-1985, p. edward e. & lula miller verner, ww1, (row 20, space 13) WADE, Sarah A., b. 20-oct-1806, d. 20-feb-1894, (row 3, space 7) ***************** WEBB, Alice Dendy, b. 13-aug-1883, d. 26-apr-1918, h. james h. webb, (row 6, space 13), WHERE DOES WELLS NAME ENTER PICTURE? ***************** WEBB, Sarah Jane, b. 14-june-1840, d. 27-may-1914, (row 6, space 14) WELCH, Edith A., b. 1913, d. 1969, (row 7, space 25) WHITMIRE, Infant, f. thomas whitmire, (row 2, space 2) WILKINSON, Maxwell G., b. 23-may-1866, d. 28-jan-1952/3, p. joseph & jane wilkinson, (row 8, space 22) WRIGHT, Birdsey Pickett, b. 3-oct-1886, d. 3-apr-1972, double marker with wallace duncan, (row 15, space 6) WRIGHT, Infant Son, b. 15-sept-1920, d. 15-sep-1920, f. w.d. wright, (row 14, space 5) WRIGHT, Rebecca McFall, b. 4-nov-1914, d. 20-jan-1977, beside virginia wright, (row 15, space 8) WRIGHT, Virginia, b. 29-nov-1907, d. 6-jan-1971, beside wallace duncan & birdsey pickett, (row 15, space 7) WRIGHT, Wallace Duncan, b. 17-aug-1878, d. 30-june-1960, double marker with birdsey pickett, (row 15, space 5) WYLY, Anna Adeline, b. 13-feb-1883, d. 26-apr-1969, (row 11, space 13) WYLY, Anna S., b. 5-oct-1856, d. 19-oct-1935, h. thomas b. wyly, (row 11, space 11) WYLY, Hugh Strong, b. 28-apr-1891, d. 6-july-1892, p. thomas b. & anna n. wyly, (row 11, space 9) WYLY, Lola, b. 16-feb-1895, d. 20-may-1992, p. thomas byrd & anna stribling wyly, (row 11, space 16) WYLY, Lula, b. 26-nov-1896, d. 31-dec-1974, (row 11, space 15) WYLY, Thomas B., b. 28-aug-1853, d. 8-aug-1927, w. anna s. wyly, (row 11, space 10) WYLY, Thomas Wayne, b. 23-mar-1900, d. 13-mar-1972, (row 11, space 14) YOUNGBLOOD, Elizabeth, b. 1860, d. 1884, (row 3, space 2) YOUNGBLOOD, Elizabeth, d. 1833, baby, (row 3, space 4) YOUNGBLOOD, Sam, d. 1880, double marker with wade youngblood, (row 3, space 3) YOUNGBLOOD, Wade, d. 1880, double marker with sam youngblood, (row 3, space 3)